STAFFING: We bid farewell to Ms Caitríona Lee who has secured a job in another school. We thank her for her 19 years of service to the teaching and learning here at St. Patrick’s NS. We wish her well in her new school. We also welcome Ms Glenda Mc Adam onto our school team.
BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: The Board of Management met on December 13th 2017. The Board discussed the completed yard project, our extension, school security and capital projects etc. The Board approved new arrangements for morning supervision. It congratulated Ms Mc Intyre and Ms Bennett on their recent marriages. It formally thanked Ms Lee for her years of service and wished her well in her new post.
The Board thanked all staff for their continued commitment and it also noted the level of CPD undertaken by the staff. The Board of Management thanked the Parents’ Association for providing funding for many projects and also wished the current Parents’ Association committee well for the coming year. At this meeting policies have been reviewed, updated and ratified. The following policies were reviewed SEN Policy, Child Protection Policy and the Anti-Bullying Policy. We thank the Board of Management for all their voluntary work in managing our school.
OUR PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION: We wish the new committee well. We thank the Parents’ Association for all their hard work and continued support for the school community. This school year, the committee has committed itself to fundraise for recorders, swimming, buses for various field trips etc., Numeracy and Literacy resources (this year and into the future), and replacement of I.T project. We would ask all parents and the wider community to support the fundraising activities of the committee. It is the school children, your child, who benefit from all the new resources or activities organised by the school and supported by the Parents’ Association. So far this year, the Parents Association provided funding for: bus hire, cinema time for all classes and arranged a visit from Daidí na Nollag (Santa Claus). On Thursday 21st December we asked that pupils attend school wearing one item of Christmas themed attire or accessory e.g. Christmas Jumper, Santa hat, tinsel or accessory in hair etc. We also asked that each child bring in €1 or €2, which is voluntary. The money collected was given to the Parents’ Association which will be used for school activities.